Corporate Citizenship Report
POSCO M-Tech is committed to contributing to building a better world and creating greater corporate values based on the corporate philosophy, Corporate Citizenship: Building a Better Future Together.
POSCO Chemical Sustainable Management Report 2021POSCO M-Tech will publish its second Corporate Citizenship Report in 2021 to transparently report on the economic, environmental, and social values and performance created through its sustainability management activities. Through this report, we aim to use it as a communication channel to share our sustainability activities, achievements, and future plans with our stakeholders on an annual basis.
POSCO Chemical Sustainable Management Report 2020This is POSCO M-Tech’s first corporate citizenship report designed for the transparent communication of our economical, social, and environmental values and performance generated as a result of our management activities. We hope to use this report as a communication channel for sharing POSCO M-Tech’s performance and plan for sustainable management annually with our stakeholders.