IR Information

Dividend Policy
(for the last five business years)
Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Dividends per Share (KRW) 80 80 80 37 35
Total Dividend (KRW 1 million) 3,331 3,331 3,331 1,541 1,457
Year-end Stock Price (KRW) 4,780 4,610 7,820 7,990 29,400
Pay-out Ratio 31.50% 35.40% 25.50% 31.90% 29.94%
Current Net Income (KRW 1 million) 10,577 9,410 13,064 4,825 4,868
Earning per Share 254 226 314 116 117
Par Dividend Rate 16% 16% 16% 7% 7%
Market Dividend Rate 1.70% 1.80% 1.00% 0.42% 0.14%
*The time used to calculate the market dividend rate is the arithmetic average of the final market price formed in the KOSDAQ market for the past one week two trading days before the closing date of the shareholder list.